




2 甲と乙が、利用規約とは別に、個別の定め(以下、「個別合意」といいます。)がある場合は、個別合意が優先します。



2 乙は、アカウントの登録にあたり、下記事項を確認し、同意します。







3 甲は、乙が下記事項に該当する場合、乙の申込みを拒否することができ、また、契約締結後に下記事項に該当することが発覚した場合、契約を解除することができます。








4 乙は、アカウントを善良な管理者の注意をもって管理する。


5 乙は、アカウントを第三者に使用させてはならない。

6 乙は甲に対し、アカウントの内容を失念した場合または第三者に不正に使用されている疑いがある場合、速やかに甲に連絡しなければならない。


















(14) 電子メールの送受信を含め、オンライン、オフラインを問わず、利用者等本人又はその代理人が先生と個人的に接触しようとする行為




2 乙は、前項に違反する行為により甲に損害が生じた場合、損害を賠償する。







2 乙が、前項により当サービスの利用を停止された場合、甲が受領している利用料金は返還しない。



2 乙は、乙の電子メールアドレスの各種設定等を変更する等して、甲からの電子メールを受信できる状態におかなければならない。

3 甲は、乙の電子メールアドレスの記載に誤記があったこと等により甲の電子メールが乙の元に届かなかった場合、そのことによる責任を負わない。



2 乙は、当サービスを利用するにあたり、ブラウザをアップデートする等、適切な受講状況を整えるものとする。

3 乙は、アカウント作成後、本利用規約に定める1回目の利用料金の支払いが確認された日(以下、「利用開始日」といいます。)から、当サービスの利用を開始することができる。

4 乙は、甲が指定する教材を利用して、当サービスを利用する。

5 レッスンの時間は下記のとおりとする。レッスンの開始時間と終了時間は、甲が指定し、甲の責による場合を除いては変更しない。


乙は、甲が指定したグループレッスンを、1年間(48回 週1回)受講する。



6 甲は、乙がレッスン開始時刻の時点で、現実に当該レッスンに参加していない場合であっても、乙がレッスンに参加しているものとみなす。




2 乙(甲からプライベートレッスンを受講している者を除く、次項も同じ。)は、甲が示す週1回のレッスン(同じ曜日の同じ時間帯のもの)を1つ選択し、これを受講する。

3 乙は、クラスの変更を希望する場合、速やかに甲ならびに講師にメールにて連絡する。



2 乙は、甲が定める当サービスの利用料金を、1か月単位で、クレジットカードまたはその他の決済サービスの方法にて支払わなければならない。

3 乙は、甲に対し、翌月分の利用料金を、当月末日までに支払うものとする。



4 乙は、当サービスを利用する場合、利用可能期間は、休会手続きを行わない限り、毎利用月、同利用料金にて自動で更新されるものとします。

5 甲は、乙が利用料金を支払わない場合、当サービス契約を解除することができる。

6 甲が、乙に対し、割賦販売法第2条第2項、同条第3項若しくは同条第4項に係る提供の方法により役務の提供を行う場合には、同法第29条の4第2項(同条第3項において準用する場合も含む)又は同法第30条の4(同法第30条の5第1項において準用する場合も含む)若しくは同法第35条の3の19の規定に基づき、甲に対して生じている事由をもって、乙はローン提携業者又は包括信用購入あっせん業者若しくは個別信用購入あっせん業者に対抗することができる(いわゆる抗弁権の接続)。






2 甲は、乙の休会申請を確認し、休会手続きを完了した旨を電子メール等で送信した時点で休会手続きの完了とする。

3 乙は、甲に対し、休会の申請を、休会希望日の前月10日までに行わなければならない。 乙が同期間内に休会を申請しない場合、翌々月からの休会となる。

4 乙が休会後、当サービスの利用再開を希望する場合、乙は、甲が定める手段により利用再開手続きを行う。



2 甲は、乙の退会申請を確認し、退会手続きを完了した旨を電子メール等で送信した時点で退会手続きの完了とする。

3 乙は、甲に対し、退会の申請を、退会希望日の前月10日までに行わなければならない。


4 乙が退会後、当サービスの利用再開を希望する場合、乙は、甲が定める手段により利用再開手続きを行う。

5 乙が利用月の満了日までに翌月分の利用料金を支払わない場合、甲は乙を退会したものとみなすことができる。





2 甲は、乙に対し、当サービスの契約の中途解約時に、下記以外の金銭を請求することができない。

   甲が乙に対して本サービスの提供を開始する前 10,000円



     返還する金額 乙の支払総額-①提供された役務の対価-②関連商品代金-③甲に通常生じる損害額

     ①提供された役務の対価の計算方法 1回あたりの役務の対価×受講回数

     ②関連商品代金 (以下のⅰ乃至ⅲの合計額)

      ⅰ 書籍、電子的方法、磁気的方法その他の人の知覚によって認識することができない方法により音、影像又はプログラムを記録した物(学習用ソフトを記録したUSB,SDカード、CD,DVD等)、及びファクシミリ装置若しくはテレビ電話装置のうち使用したものの代金

      ⅱ ⅰを除く関連商品が返還されない場合は商品代金相当額

     ③甲に通常生じる損害額 5万円又は契約残額(未履行役務相当額)の20%に相当する額のいずれか低い方の額



2 乙は、アカウントが削除されたことで会員資格を喪失し、当サービスの一切の権利を失う。



2 甲は、乙のアカウントを、乙の承諾なく第三者に開示しない。ただし、以下に該当する場合は、この限りではない。




3 甲は、乙との契約を終了した場合、乙の登録情報を削除する。

4. 甲は、登録情報の取り扱いに関し、本規約に定めのないものについては「プライバシーポリシー」に則るものとする。



2 甲は、当サービスのアプリケーションの障害、国内外の政治情勢・自然災害等、提供するサーバーの障害など、やむを得ない事由により当サービスの提供が困難な場合、予告なしに当サービスを中断することができる。この場合、甲は、乙に対して当サービスを提供したものとする。

3 甲は、乙に対し、事前に、当サービスを提供しない期間(例えば、元日、1月2日等)を、ウェブで掲示しまたは電子メールで通知する。



2 乙の甲に対する損害賠償の限度額は、当該損害の発生月に乙が甲に対して支払った利用料金の額を上限とする。ただし、乙の損害が甲の故意・重過失による場合はこの限りでない。















2 甲と乙は、当サービスまたは利用規約に起因もしくは関連し、甲と乙の間で生じた紛争について、大分地方裁判所を第一審の専属管轄裁判所とすることに合意する。

以 上


Arbores, Inc., (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) stipulates the terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”) with the following contents that apply to an applicant for and user of (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “User”) the online English conversation services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) when they use the Services.

The User shall view the webpages provided by the Company in connection with the Services or use the Services after agreeing to all of the provisions of the Terms of Use.


1 The scope of the application of the Terms of Use includes any information transmitted via the webpages managed by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Web”), applications provided to the User by the Company, e-mail, or other means.

2 If, other than the Terms of Use, there is any individual provision (hereinafter the “Individual Agreement”) between the Company and the User, such Individual Agreement shall prevail.


1 The User shall register the information necessary to use the Services by the method stipulated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Account”).

2 Prior to registering the Account, the User shall confirm the following matters and agree thereto.

(1) The communication environment of the User does not interfere with the use of the Services.

(2) In case the User is a minor, the User has obtained the consent of the minor’s statutory agent, such as a person who has parental authority.

(3) Not only a regular employee, part-time employee, or temporary employee who belongs to the Company but also a person who is entrusted by the Company (a person who gives lessons shall be hereinafter referred to as the “Instructor”) shall take charge of lessons under the Services.

(4) To improve the quality of lessons conducted by the Company or other similar purposes, the Company or the Instructor shall record the contents of the User’s lessons and the Company retains such record.

(5) In case the User is a minor, the Company will disclose the record of lessons upon the request of a person who has parental authority.

(6) The Company will, via e-mail, provide the User with notices and advertisement and implement questionnaires related to the Services.

3 If the User falls under any of the following items, the Company may refuse the application from the User, and if it is found after the conclusion of the contract that the User falls under any of the following items, the Company may cancel the contract.

(1) Cases where the Account of the User is created not based on the User’s intention

(2) Cases where there is any false statement, incorrect entry, or omission in the contents of the User’s Account

(3) Cases where the bank account, credit card, or other payment services designated in the User’s Account does not exist or is currently not available due to suspension

(4) Cases where the User is either of a minor, adult ward, person under curatorship, or person under assistance and does not obtain the consent of a custodian or guardian at the time of the registration

(5) Cases where the User is or is likely to be an organized crime group, organized crime-related company, corporate racketeer, or a party equivalent thereto, or member thereof

(6) Cases where the User conducts any act stipulated in Article 4

(7) Any other cases where the Company determines that the User is inappropriate as a user of the Services

4 The User shall manage the Account with the due care of a prudent manager.

When the login information entered by the User at the time of logging in corresponds to the information already entered, the Company may deem that the Services are used by the User.

5 The User shall not allow a third party to use the Account.

6 If the User forgets the contents of the Account or if the Account is suspected to have been improperly used by a third party, the User must promptly notify the Company to that effect.


In case of any change in the contents of the Account, the User shall change the relevant contents without delay by the method designated by the Company. Even if the User suffers any damage caused by the delay in such change procedures, the Company will not assume any liability for such damage.


1 The User shall not commit the following acts when using the Services.

  1. (1)To transfer, use, buy or sell, change the name, establish a pledge, or provide as collateral, the right to use the Services or the Account to others

(2) To infringe the honor, credibility, copyright, patent, utility model rights, design rights, trademark, portrait rights, or privacy

(3) An act of interfering with the operation of the Services

(4) To use the Services for sales activities under the User’s own name or on the User’s own account, or for the purpose of profit or for the preparation thereof

(5) An illegal act or any act that encourages an illegal act against other users of the Services or the Instructor

(6) An act of causing disadvantages to other users of the Services or the Instructor

(7) An act by which the User intends to have personal contact with the Instructor

(8) An act by which the User solicits the Instructor to be employed by a business operator that engages in a business identical or similar to the business of the Company

(9) To use the User’s Account with multiple users

(10) To assign, lend, or otherwise transfer the User’s password to a third party or to allow a third party to use the User’s password

(11) An act that discloses or is likely to disclose the contents, images, animations, or voices of lessons without the consent of the Company

(12) An act of retrieving the Company’s confidential information that is not publicly available, such as the employment conditions and the location of the classroom of the Instructor and Internet connections

(13) An act of soliciting the Instructor for any religion, political association, or multilevel marketing

(14) An act by which a principal (including a user) or agent thereof intends to have a personal contact with the Instructor, including the contact by transmitting or receiving e-mail, whether online or offline

(15) An act of soliciting the Instructor for any service, company, or other entity that may compete with the Company

(16) An act of posing a comment that has nothing to do with the contents of lessons or a comment whose content breaches any of the items of this paragraph

(17) Any other acts the Company deems inappropriate

2 If the Company suffers any damage caused by any act that breaches any of the foregoing items, the User shall compensate for such damage.


1 If the User falls under any of the following items, the Company may discontinue the User’s use of the Services.

(1) Cases where the User conducts any prohibited act stipulated in Article 4

(2) Cases where the User delays in making payment or fails to make payment of usage fees

(3) Cases where the User breaches any of the provisions of the Terms of Use

(4) Cases where the Company deems that the use of the Services by the User is inappropriate

2 If the User’s use of the Services is discontinued pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Company will not refund the usage fees already received by the Company.


1 The Company will provide information on the Services to the User by e-mail transmission to the e-mail address provided by the User (hereinafter referred to as the “User’s E-mail Address”), and upon completion of the transmission, such notice is deemed to have arrived at the address of the user.

2 The User shall keep the User’s e-mail address ready for receiving e-mail from the Company at any time by changing the various settings of the e-mail address or by other means.

3 If the Company’s e-mail does not reach the User due to the incorrect entry of the User’s e-mail address or other reasons, the Company will not assume any responsibility therefor.


1 The Company will notify the User of the method of providing the Services taking into account the Company’s communication environment.

2 In using the Services, the User shall develop appropriate conditions for participating in lessons, such as updating the User’s browser.

3 The User may, after creating the Account, commence the use of the Services from the day on which the payment of the initial usage fee stipulated in the Terms of Use is confirmed (hereinafter referred to as the “Commencement Date of Use”).

4 The User shall use the Services using the teaching materials designated by the Company.

5 The time schedule for lessons is as follows. The Company designates the starting time and finishing time of lessons and shall not change the time except for reasons attributable to the Company.

・Group Lesson: 40 minutes

The User shall participate in the Group Lesson designated by the Company for a period of one (1) year (48 once-a-week lessons per year).

If the User does not indicate the User’s intention to withdraw from membership by the expiration date of the term of the Group Lesson, the contract between the Company and the User shall automatically renew under the same conditions as those of the previous contract. With respect to Group Lessons, the User shall attend the same class every time (48 once-a-week lessons per year) designated by the Company taking into account the level of the User; provided, however, that the User may change the class of the Group Lesson upon consultation with the Company.

6 Even if the User actually does not attend the relevant lesson at the starting time of such lesson, the Company deems that the User is attending the lesson.


1 The Company will inform the User by posting on the Web or transmitting via e-mail the details concerning the date and time, contents, and the usage fees of the lessons provided to the User by the Company. The User shall confirm the contents of lessons prior to participating in the lessons. When the User participates in lessons, if there are teaching materials (including books) to be purchased by the User, the Company notifies the User of such teaching materials (including books) and quantity thereof (for each material) by posting on the Web, specifying in e-mail, or advising during lessons. The User shall purchase them.

2 The User (excluding those taking the Private Lesson from the Company; the same shall apply to the next paragraph) shall select one of the once-a-week lessons (the same day of the week and the same time of the day) that are offered by the Company and take such lesson.

3 When the User wishes to change the class, the User shall promptly notify the User’s wish to the Company and the Instructor by e-mail.


1 The User shall promptly pay an annual membership fee charged by the Company once a year.

2 The User must pay the usage fees for the Services stipulated by the Company on a monthly basis with a credit card or by means of other payment services.

3 The User shall pay to the Company the usage fees for the next month by the end of the current month. Even if the User cancels the contract or the Company cancels the contract with the User in the middle of the month for use, the Company will not settle the usage fees on a per diem basis. However, the Company will separately determine the due date by which the User pays the initial usage fees.

4 The period during which the Services are available to the User shall be automatically renewed based on the same monthly rate unless the User performs procedures for a temporary absence from membership.

5 If the User fails to pay usage fees, the Company may cancel the contract for the Services.

6 When the Company provides the User with services by method of provision pertaining to Article 2, paragraph 2, paragraph 3, and paragraph 4 of the Installment Sales Act, pursuant to the provisions of Article 29-4, paragraph 2 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29-4, paragraph 3), or Article 30-4 (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 30-5, paragraph 1) or Article 35-3-19 of the Installment Sales Act, the User may assert an affirmative defense against loan-based installment sellers, comprehensive credit purchase intermediaries, or individual credit purchase intermediaries based on grounds that have arisen against the Company (so-called “the application of the right of defense”).


The effective period of the Services shall be one (1) year during which 48 once-a-week lessons (40 minutes per lesson) are available.


1 The User may be temporarily absent from the membership (“Temporary Absence” means the state in which the User is temporarily unable to make a reservation for or attend lessons as of the last day of the month for use) by completing the procedures stipulated by the Company.

2 The Procedures for the Temporary Absence are deemed complete when the Company confirms the User’s application for the Temporary Absence and notifies the User by e-mail of the completion of such procedures.

3 The User must apply to the Company for the Temporary Absence by the 10th day of the month preceding the month of the desired starting date of the Temporary Absence. If the User fails to apply for the Temporary Absence by the said date, the Temporary Absence shall take effect two months later.

4 If the User wishes to restart the use of the Services after the Temporary Absence, the User shall complete the restart procedures by the method stipulated by the Company.


1 The User may withdraw from membership (“Withdrawal” means the termination of the User’s participation in lessons.) by completing the procedures stipulated by the Company.

2 The procedures for Withdrawal are deemed complete when the Company confirms the application for Withdrawal and notifies the User by e-mail of the completion of such procedures.

3 The User must apply to the Company for Withdrawal by the 10th day of the month preceding the month of the desired date of Withdrawal. If the User fails to apply for Withdrawal by the said date, the Withdrawal shall take effect two months later.

4 If the User wishes to restart the use of the Services after Withdrawal, the User shall complete the restart procedures by the method stipulated by the Company.

5 If the User fails to pay usage fees for the next month by the expiration date of the month for use, the Company may deem that the User has withdrawn from membership.


1 The User may terminate the contract for the Services, including the sales contract for related goods, prior to the expiration thereof even after a cooling-off period referred to in the preceding article. However, if the User has consumed all or any part of the goods (meaning books, items [USB device, SD card, CD, or DVD in which learning software is recorded] in which sound, images, or programs are recorded by an electronic method, magnetic method, or any other method that cannot be perceived by human senses) received pursuant to the sales contract for related goods (excluding cases where the Company has the User consume all or any part of such goods, as well as facsimile equipment or videophone equipment), the User may, prior to the expiration of the contract, not terminate the portion of the contract pertaining to such goods consumed. The User may not terminate only the sales contract for related goods prior to the expiration thereof.

2 At the time of early termination of the contract for the Services, the Company may not demand the User for monies other than the following.

– Prior to the commencement of the provision of the Services to the User by the Company: 10,000 yen (as costs required for the conclusion and performance of the contract)

– After the commencement of the provision of the Services to the User by the Company:

Amount to be refunded: Total payment by the User – (a) Consideration for the services provided – (b) Price of related goods – (c) Damages normally incurred by the Company

  1. Calculation method of the consideration for the services provided:

Consideration for services per lesson x Number of lessons attended

  1. Price of related goods (Total amount of (i) and (ii) below)

(i) The prices of items used among books, items (USB device, SD card, CD, or DVD in which learning software is recorded) in which sound, images, or programs are recorded by an electronic method, magnetic method, or any other method that cannot be perceived by the human senses, and facsimile equipment or videophone equipment

(ii) Amount equivalent to the price of goods if related goods (excluding items in (i)) are not returned

(c) Damages normally incurred by the Company: 50,000 yen or amount equivalent to 20% of the remaining contract amount (amount equivalent to executory services), whichever is lower


1 When the contract with the User terminates, the Company will delete the Account that has been used by the User.

2 By deletion of the Account, the User shall be disqualified from membership and lose all rights to the Services.


1 The Company will use the User’s Account only for the purpose of providing the Services.

2 The Company will not disclose the User’s Account to a third party without the consent of the User, except for cases falling under any of the following items.

(1) Cases where the Company is required by a third party to disclose the Account pursuant to laws and regulations

(2) Cases where the Company is required by a public body to disclose the Account

(3) Cases where the Company, for the purpose of providing the Services, disclose the Account to a third party to whom the Company entrusts the Services

3 The Company will delete the User’s registration information upon termination of the contract with the User.

4. The Company will handle any matter concerning the handling of the registration information not stipulated in the Terms of Use in accordance with the Handling of Personal Information.


1 The Company may suspend or terminate the Services by giving prior notice to the User either by means of posting on the Web or transmitting via e-mail.

2 The Company may suspend the Services without notice if it is difficult to provide the Services due to unavoidable circumstances, such as a failure of the application for the Services, a political condition, natural disaster in Japan and overseas, and a failure of the server providing the Services. In such case, it is deemed that the Company has provided the Services to the User.

3 The Company will notify the User in advance of the period during which the Services are not provided (for example, New Year’s Day, 2nd of January or other days) by posting on the Web or transmitting via e-mail.


1 If the User breaches the Terms of Use, the Company may demand from the User compensation for direct or indirect damage or loss arising from such breach.

2 The upper limit of damage liability to the Company by the User shall be the amount corresponding to the usage fees paid to the Company in the month during which such damage has occurred; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply in cases where the User’s damage is caused by the Company’s intentional act or gross negligence.


The User agrees in advance that the Company will not be liable for any damage arising from the matters stipulated below; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply in cases where any of the following events arises from the intentional act or gross negligence of the Company.

Cases where the use of the Services is limited due to the following reasons:

・Cases where the User is unable to make a reservation for the lesson given by the specific Instructor that the User wishes to attend

・Cases where the User is unable to make a reservation for or use the Services at the User’s desired specific time

・Cases where such limitation of use is attributable to the contents of the User’s message, the User’s unauthorized access or fraudulent alteration, or any act conducted by a third party

・Cases where the User is unable to use the Services due to a defect or a problem of the application used by the third party entrusted by the Company


Any date and time presented by the Company in the Services, such as the Commencement Date of Use, the commencement date of the month for use, the due date for payment of various fees, and the deadline for various applications, shall be according to Japan Time (GMT + 9 hours).


The Company may amend the Terms of Use by giving prior notice to the User either by means of posting on the Web or transmitting via e-mail.

The amendment to the Terms of Use shall take effect upon the elapse of the time shown on the Web or the time described in transmitted e-mail.


1 The Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of Japan.

2 Any dispute between the Company and the User arising out of or in connection with the Services or the Terms of Use shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Oita District Court in the first instance.

